Exciting improvements are coming to Cerny Park! In 2023, the City of Warrenville, in partnership with the Warrenville Park District, submitted a planning initiative to complete park improvements at Cerny Park and apply for funding assistance through an OSLAD (Open Space and Land Acquisition Development) grant from the IDNR (IL Department of Natural Resources). In January 2024, this project was awarded $600,000 to complete Phase 1 of this project.
As we begin the planning of Phase 2 of the improvements, we will be holding a Public Input Meeting on Tuesday, August 20, from 6:00-7:00P at the Cerny Park Pavilion with a presentation by Hitchcock Design Group. Preliminary concepts were shown and discussed, and feedback was gathered from the community. If you were unable to attend the meeting, concepts can be viewed below and will also be on display in the Recreation Center Lobby until Wednesday, August 28. Comments or questions regarding this project can be sent to Executive Director, Tim Reinbold at timr@warrenvilleparks.org.
Scroll down to see a timeline of both phases and to review the park concepts and project details.
See Phase 1 Images Below: